Differentiable Function Has a Continuous Derivative on a Dense Subset
In mathematical analysis, a Pompeiu derivative is a real-valued function of one real variable that is the derivative of an everywhere differentiable function and that vanishes in a dense set. In particular, a Pompeiu derivative is discontinuous at any point where it is not 0. Whether non-identically zero such functions may exist was a problem that arose in the context of early-1900s research on functional differentiability and integrability. The question was affirmatively answered by Dimitrie Pompeiu by constructing an explicit example; these functions are therefore named after him.
Pompeiu's construction [edit]
Pompeiu's construction is described here. Let denote the real cube root of the real number x. Let be an enumeration of the rational numbers in the unit interval [0, 1]. Let be positive real numbers with Σ j aj < ∞. Define by
For any x in [0, 1], each term of the series is less than or equal to a j in absolute value, so the series uniformly converges to a continuous, strictly increasing function g(x), by the Weierstrass M-test. Moreover, it turns out that the function g is differentiable, with
at any point where the sum is finite; also, at all other points, in particular, at any of the q j , one has g′(x) := +∞. Since the image of g is a closed bounded interval with left endpoint
up to the choice of a 0 , we can assume g(0) = 0 and up to the choice of a multiplicative factor we can assume that g maps the interval [0, 1] onto itself. Since g is strictly increasing it is injective, and hence a homeomorphism; and by the theorem of differentiation of the inverse function, its inverse f := g −1 has a finite derivative at any point, which vanishes at least at the points These form a dense subset of [0, 1] (actually, it vanishes in many other points; see below).
Properties [edit]
- It is known that the zero-set of a derivative of any everywhere differentiable function (and more generally, of any Baire class one function) is a Gδ subset of the real line. By definition, for any Pompeiu function, this set is a dense Gδ set; therefore it is a residual set. In particular, it possesses uncountably many points.
- A linear combination af(x) + bg(x) of Pompeiu functions is a derivative, and vanishes on the set { f = 0} ∩ {g = 0}, which is a dense G δ set by the Baire category theorem. Thus, Pompeiu functions form a vector space of functions.
- A limit function of a uniformly convergent sequence of Pompeiu derivatives is a Pompeiu derivative. Indeed, it is a derivative, due to the theorem of limit under the sign of derivative. Moreover, it vanishes in the intersection of the zero sets of the functions of the sequence: since these are dense G δ sets, the zero set of the limit function is also dense.
- As a consequence, the class E of all bounded Pompeiu derivatives on an interval [a, b] is a closed linear subspace of the Banach space of all bounded functions under the uniform distance (hence, it is a Banach space).
- Pompeiu's above construction of a positive function is a rather peculiar example of a Pompeiu's function: a theorem of Weil states that generically a Pompeiu derivative assumes both positive and negative values in dense sets, in the precise meaning that such functions constitute a residual set of the Banach space E .
References [edit]
- Pompeiu, Dimitrie (1907). "Sur les fonctions dérivées". Mathematische Annalen (in French). 63 (3): 326–332. doi:10.1007/BF01449201. MR 1511410.
- Andrew M. Bruckner, "Differentiation of real functions"; CRM Monograph series, Montreal (1994).
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pompeiu_derivative
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